Engineering survey

Engineering survey2020-01-15T08:31:16+00:00

Taraz Arkon LLP is an organized, high-tech, developing design and survey company that provides services in the field of engineering surveys, as well as design of linear structures, power supply systems, heat supply systems, communication lines schemes, etc.

A full range of engineering and geological, engineering and geodetic and engineering and environmental survey (including field work, the study of the geological conditions of the territory, laboratory studies of soils, calculations).

Our experts in the field of land relations, with experience of more than 10 years, are highly qualified and will help you in resolving all types of land disputes, drawing up statements of claim, appealing against actions of state bodies, representing interests in court, etc.

We will find an individual and balanced solution for each client!

Engineering and geodetic surveys are a set of works that allow to obtain data on the territory, topography, situation on it, for a comprehensive assessment and technical justification (feasibility) before designing a new object.

Based on the obtained results, the surveyors evaluate the project and substantiation of various design solutions.

Objectives and tasks of engineering and geodetic surveys.

Engineering and geodetic surveys are carried out in order to obtain complete and reliable data on The currently situation in the study areas. The relief and layout of the site, the existing man-made objects (buildings, structures, including underground) are being explored.

Stages and scope of engineering geodetic surveys

The order and scope of survey works are determined in accordance with the terms of reference. All engineering and geodetic works are carried out in three stages:

1. Preparatory. It includes the preparation of source data and the development of technical specifications. On the basis of these data, dates, costs are determined, a work program is developed, including their composition and types.

2. Field. All work is carried out in the field in accordance with the program. The stage begins with the reconnaissance of the territory. Specialists conduct topographic surveys, create a planned-high-altitude support network, make the removal of the project in nature, etc. Types of work may vary significantly depending on the purpose of the survey. Additional work is carried out in the study of linear objects, which is associated with their great length and location within several areas with different natural and man-made conditions.

3. Cameral. This stage completes the research. Experts collect all the data together and analyze them. Based on the data, a topographic plan of the territory is compiled, all objects, communications, etc. are plotted on it. \

The technical report is the result of the work of surveyors. The descriptive part includes the initial information about the site, physiographic characteristics, assessment of measurement accuracy, thickening networks and the general knowledge of the territories. The text part also includes data on work methods, tools, etc. All cartographic materials, drawn up plans and diagrams form the graphic part of the conclusion.

Our experience, specialists and technical base help us to carry out this type of activity at the highest level as soon as possible.

Geotechnical surveys are a complex set of activities aimed at studying the geological conditions of the studied area to obtain the necessary materials for the technical and economic feasibility study. construction of objects.

The survey process consists in the study of the geomorphological indicators of the development site and the study of geological structure with the subsequent application of the necessary wells and geological sections. The hydrogeological conditions of the territory are studied for the behavior of groundwater and surface water. An assessment of the foundation soils is given, their composition, condition and properties are studied.

The necessity of conducting geological surveys arises even at the stage of preparation of the construction project. The main purpose of the research is to substantiate the preparation of the construction industry, both from a technological and an economic point of view. The geological structure of the area is studied for all construction projects: the development of the territory by newly erected buildings and structures, road construction objects, the exploited foundation, buildings put up for reconstruction or complete liquidation.

Using the materials obtained in the course of research, you can solve a number of tasks:

  • Provide a rationale for the technical possibilities of building a specific object in a particular location and its economic feasibility;
  • Select the best option for locating the object on the ground by comparing possible options;
  • foundations for the object, through a deep analysis of the grounds of the foundation. Predict behavior of soil in time and analyze the possible consequences of their changes.
  • Estimate possible deformations of nearby buildings during construction of the designed object.
  • Plan activities to preserve and protect the environment and minimize the harmful effects of construction.
  • Conduct architectural supervision during construction.

Assignment and a pre-designed survey program, strictly following the regulatory and legislative documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Upon completion of the work, a survey report will be executed.